Do not pay attention to the color but do pay attention to the aggressiveness level of the pad.
The Most Common Aggressiveness Levels
- Heavy Cutting Pad
- Light Cutting Pad
- Polishing Pad
- Finessing/Finishing Pad
- Ultra Soft Waxing Pad
There are other levels in between such as Heavy Polishing, Soft Polishing, and other variables such as Euro Foam and PPI Rating but the list above describes the most common pads to keep it simple. Some other variables are the face design and size of the foam pad, this is where you will have to find what works best for you.
Wool Pads also vary in aggressiveness and size so like foam pads choosing by aggressiveness is key. Keep in mind that some wool pads are actually a blend and can be found in "twisted" or "untwisted" wool as well as a mix of both.
Here are the most common wool pads
- Heavy Cutting Wool Pad
- Light Cutting Wool Pad
- Polishing Wool Pad
Hopefully this helps you in your pad selection so you end up with the pads you want instead of being disappointed to find that you bought a different pad than what you thought it was.
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